100 First Animals

100 First Animals

B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Ez Question.. pliss help me

Ez Question.. pliss help me

perbedaan "prefer" dan "rather" :

prefer digunakan jika kata setelahnya merupakan infinitive (to - verb), atau objek

rather digunakan jika kata setelahnya merupakan verb

jawab :

1. i prefer this coat to that coat

2. i would rather have tea than coffee

3. i would rather stay at home than go to the movie theater

4. i prefer to live in the country than in the city

5. i would rather be a bird than a dolphin

6. i prefer mcdonald's to burger king

7. i prefer to eat chocolate than ice cream

8. i would rather talk to him face to face than call him on the phone
